Energy Conference 2023:
National and Global Issues
- 14th - 15th Dec, 2023
- 9:30 AM (GMT+6)
Full paper submission deadline 31st January, 2024.
The 1st Energy Conference 2023: National and Global Issues (ENCON23) will be held in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 14-15 December 2023. Researchers are invited to submit two page (A4 size) extended abstracts addressing innovative research in the broad fields of energy.
Our Events

Award for best paper, best presenter and outstanding research

Keynote presentation/sessions

Students project show

Panel discussion

Paper presentation

Selected Studies will have the opportunity to be published on Elsevier SSRN
It is our pleasure to announce that selected papers from the Energy Conference (ENCON23) at BUET will be published by Elsevier. The Energy Conference 2023: National and Global Issues (ENCON23) has committed with Elsevier to reach a wider audience. We are inviting dignitaries and researchers who are passionate about sustainable energy solutions can unite through this platform. Among the presented papers in this conference, selected high impact ones will be invited for publication.
Our Keynote and Invited Speakers
We seek the best speakers from around the world and let them shape the agenda — they’re the experts after all.

Dr. Rashid Hasan
Texas A&M University, USA
Topic: Current Advancements in Multiphase Flow Leak Detection.

Dr. Aziz Rahman
Texas A&M University, Qatar
Topic: Current Advancements in Multiphase Flow Leak Detection.

Prof. Prashanta Dutta
Washington State University, USA
Topic: Recent Advancements in Green Hydrogen Production.

Dr Ismail bin Mohd Saaid
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Topic: Improving Hydrocarbon Recovery in The Presence of Stringent Environmental Requirements Through Novel Reservoir Conformance Control.

Dr. Syed Islam
Federation University, Australia
Topic: Journey Toward Net Zero by 2050 : Lessons Learnt from Australian Experience.

Prof. Mikhail Slipchenko
Purdue University, USA
Topic: Advances in Laser Sources for Femtosecond, Picosecond, and Nanosecond High-speed Laser Diagnostics.

Dr. M. Rafiqul Awal
Topic: Crossroads of Industrial Revolution: Defining Sustainable Cleaner Energy Technology Pathway.

Dr. Venkat Athmanathan
Purdue University, USA
Topic: Sustainable Combustion: Revolutionizing Power Generation with hydrogen fueled Rotating Detonations Engines.
Meet Our Fantastic Advisors
We seek the best advisors from around the world and let them shape the agenda — they’re the experts after all.
Conference Update
The latest thinking, ideas and opinions on digital product from the ENCON23 team and community.
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