14th - 15th DEC 2023
Energy Conference 2023
The 1st Energy Conference 2023: National and Global Issues (ENCON23) will be held in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 14-15 December 2023. Researchers are invited to submit two page (A4 size) extended abstracts addressing innovative research in the broad fields of energy.
Energy is the foremost challenge in this world of conflict. Conflicts can be many and multifarious – it can be between and multifarious – it can be between supply and demand, between industrialization and emission, between clean and green energies and also between countries and regions. Energy is one of the principal driving forces in this epoch of Anthropocene. We set to solve global issues of energy in this conference from a country which is torn by the dilemmas of clean and green, between gas and renewables, between solar and fossils.
This unique and dynamic conference has a broad focus that encompasses the challenges faced by the century. These challenges include the balancing act between sustainability and growth, reducing carbon footprints, and addressing global warming. Bangladesh is now poised to find innovative solutions for smart energy that will be needed in the digital future while navigating the complexities of the Industrial Revolution and the continuing global conflicts. ENCON 2023 is committed to finding solutions to global issues while remaining rooted in local communities
The 1st Energy Conference 2023
National and Global Issues (ENCON23) will be held in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh on December 2023. Researchers are invited to submit original high quality technical and nontechnical two page (A4 size) extended abstracts addressing innovative research in the broad fields of energy
Topics include but are not limited to
- AI in energy application
- Alternative and renewable energy
- Climate change and decarbonization
- Energy and 4th IR
- Energy and environment
- Energy efficiency and conservation
- Energy modeling and optimization
- Energy storage
- Energy, policy and security
- Nuclear energy
- Socioeconomics of energy transition
- Sustainable energy
Program Highlights
Program highlights contain
- Proceedings of extended abstracts will be published
- Award for best paper, best presenter and outstanding research
- Keynote presentation/sessions
- Paper presentation
- Panel discussion
- Students project show
- Poster presentation
- City tour (optional)

Last date of extended abstract submission 15 November 2023.
Early Bird: 1- 15th November 2023
Closing: 30th November 2023

Local participants: BDT 6000
Students: BDT 2000
Foreign participants: USD 100
Students: USD 50
14th DEC 2023
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